The experiments found that most of the tested E. coli genes (61% to be precise) could successfully replace equivalent genes in yeast cells. Moreover, genes often work together in groups, and Kachroo, Laurent et al. found that genes in some groups were more successfully replaced than others. For example, nearly every gene that is important for producing a molecule called heme could be freely swapped from bacteria, plants and humans into yeast. This group of genes has probably worked the same way in different species for billions of years.
There are many individual examples of genes from one species functioning for their orthologous counterparts in a different species (Cherry et al., 2012; Heinicke et al., 2007), but this trend has only recently begun to be explored systematically, with several large-scale studies substituting human genes for yeast genes and confirming that many human orthologs can successfully replace their yeast counterparts (Kachroo et al., 2015; Sun et al., 2016; Hamza et al., 2015). At the level of evolutionary divergence of yeast and humans, such data demonstrate widespread functional conservation, even after 1 billion years of divergence. The ability of human genes to functionally replace their yeast orthologs is not strongly predicted by the similarity of sequences, but rather at the level of specific pathways or processes, wherein all genes in a process or pathway tend to be similarly replaceable, or not (Kachroo et al., 2015).
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